Saturday, December 26, 2009

shine like stars!

hey guys! wish u a merry christmas. It was a gr8 chrstmas as usual. it began with d midnite mass. fortunately for me dis time the mass got over b4 i expected. but it was the theme for the mass that caught my eye. "shine like stars". sounds quite simple rite? but when i started pondering on it, i understood the depth n vastness of it.
no doubt, all of us are blessed wit some talents or other. many ppl use them really well. but there are some who dont even kno abt the unique talents they posses n der r sum who don use them at all. guys, wats the use of havin dem wen u don use them at all? sum of us wil b surprised to kno wat all v r capable of. sum ppl lack d confidence to use their talents wereas sum are jus 2 lazy. in bothd cases v r wasting the god given gifts n only offending our creator. v r all like stars n v hav d glow of our talents vit us. bt d onus is on us as to hw v spread d glow. any talent no matter how big or small is a god given gift n needs 2 b respected. so on dis chrstmas let us all try n use our talents in d best possible way n thank god for his gifts......all the best...go shine like stars.

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