Wednesday, December 23, 2009

mission shopping!

I jus landed in margao 2day since i had 2 buy sum stuff. Bt buying the thngs n reaching back was nothing less then a mission. avois saiba bhogos!!!! kitli gordi. The first hurdle was to find a suitable place to park my bike. phew................ the whistle blew. it was the traffic cop. he said i cant park my bike there. and then i moved on to a new place after much effort. my biking abilities were put to test to the hilt and i m sure it was nothing less then a second driving licence test for me. yes! i finally got a place to park my bike. now i had 2 make my way 2 my destination which was at some distance. i somehow managed to reach the shop. ok! half the mission over. i almost fainted when i entered the shop. it was so packed, poor salesmen they were attending to more then 3 ppl at one time!!!! I manged to catch the eye of one of thats talent rite? ok, so i gt my thngs, paid the bill and headed straight for the exit.
guys, its a festive season. there's rush everywhere. make sure wenever u go shopping, or in crowded areas u take care of your belongings. its a gud oppurtunity for thieves n pickpocketeers.
so also wit the accidents on a rise, i request all riders to ride n drive responsibly n sensibly. remember speed thrills but also kills. celebrate this christmas and new year on ur feet and not lying down on the hospital beds. so i wish u all a safe and happy festive season. may this season bring you the joy, happiness and love that u always desire. kuxalbhorit natalam zonn ekleak tumkam!!

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