Tuesday, December 22, 2009

goa shinning?????

Hey guys! it gives me gr8 pleasure as i pen dis few lines 4 my blog for the first time. hope my dear readers vil appreciate it. The news papers are being flooded wit info about new projects being undertaken in goa. some in the pipeline and some already started. No doubt these projects are goin 2 empty d govt coffers and fill the "neta's" pockets. But there is one question each and every goan is asking. Do we really need these giant projects when the basic amenities still remains a distant dream. frequent power cuts, erratic traffic, roads in bad shape, health, hygiene, education. wat abt all these?? who is goin to provide us these? we dont want goa to become shangai or malaysia. we want goa to remain as goa. friends, its our responsibility to work 4 the change to work for the betterment. Gandhiji once said : "be the change you want to see". your future lies in your own hands. do not lie low and take everything for granted. wake up. its your goa, its my goa. lets do something for this land that has given us so much. viva goa!

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