Saturday, December 26, 2009

shine like stars!

hey guys! wish u a merry christmas. It was a gr8 chrstmas as usual. it began with d midnite mass. fortunately for me dis time the mass got over b4 i expected. but it was the theme for the mass that caught my eye. "shine like stars". sounds quite simple rite? but when i started pondering on it, i understood the depth n vastness of it.
no doubt, all of us are blessed wit some talents or other. many ppl use them really well. but there are some who dont even kno abt the unique talents they posses n der r sum who don use them at all. guys, wats the use of havin dem wen u don use them at all? sum of us wil b surprised to kno wat all v r capable of. sum ppl lack d confidence to use their talents wereas sum are jus 2 lazy. in bothd cases v r wasting the god given gifts n only offending our creator. v r all like stars n v hav d glow of our talents vit us. bt d onus is on us as to hw v spread d glow. any talent no matter how big or small is a god given gift n needs 2 b respected. so on dis chrstmas let us all try n use our talents in d best possible way n thank god for his gifts......all the best...go shine like stars.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

mission shopping!

I jus landed in margao 2day since i had 2 buy sum stuff. Bt buying the thngs n reaching back was nothing less then a mission. avois saiba bhogos!!!! kitli gordi. The first hurdle was to find a suitable place to park my bike. phew................ the whistle blew. it was the traffic cop. he said i cant park my bike there. and then i moved on to a new place after much effort. my biking abilities were put to test to the hilt and i m sure it was nothing less then a second driving licence test for me. yes! i finally got a place to park my bike. now i had 2 make my way 2 my destination which was at some distance. i somehow managed to reach the shop. ok! half the mission over. i almost fainted when i entered the shop. it was so packed, poor salesmen they were attending to more then 3 ppl at one time!!!! I manged to catch the eye of one of thats talent rite? ok, so i gt my thngs, paid the bill and headed straight for the exit.
guys, its a festive season. there's rush everywhere. make sure wenever u go shopping, or in crowded areas u take care of your belongings. its a gud oppurtunity for thieves n pickpocketeers.
so also wit the accidents on a rise, i request all riders to ride n drive responsibly n sensibly. remember speed thrills but also kills. celebrate this christmas and new year on ur feet and not lying down on the hospital beds. so i wish u all a safe and happy festive season. may this season bring you the joy, happiness and love that u always desire. kuxalbhorit natalam zonn ekleak tumkam!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

goa shinning?????

Hey guys! it gives me gr8 pleasure as i pen dis few lines 4 my blog for the first time. hope my dear readers vil appreciate it. The news papers are being flooded wit info about new projects being undertaken in goa. some in the pipeline and some already started. No doubt these projects are goin 2 empty d govt coffers and fill the "neta's" pockets. But there is one question each and every goan is asking. Do we really need these giant projects when the basic amenities still remains a distant dream. frequent power cuts, erratic traffic, roads in bad shape, health, hygiene, education. wat abt all these?? who is goin to provide us these? we dont want goa to become shangai or malaysia. we want goa to remain as goa. friends, its our responsibility to work 4 the change to work for the betterment. Gandhiji once said : "be the change you want to see". your future lies in your own hands. do not lie low and take everything for granted. wake up. its your goa, its my goa. lets do something for this land that has given us so much. viva goa!